A script to fetch and convert dates from the "Abfallnavi" (https://www.regioit.de/produkte-leistungen/entsorgung/abfallapp-abfallnavi/) into ical files
Unfortunately the UIDs of the downloaded icals change. To still catch changes in the trash date schedule over the year, this makes sure to delete all events with the same year as we're currently scraping. |
.gitignore | ||
config.ini.example | ||
generate_ical.py | ||
README.md | ||
requirements.txt |
This script fetches data from the "Abfallnavi" application developed by "regio iT" (https://www.regioit.de/produkte-leistungen/entsorgung/abfallapp-abfallnavi/) and converts it into ical files to import them in any regular calendar software. It is currently tested and used in Nuremberg.
Other cities which could be supported in the future:
- Aachen (https://serviceportal.aachen.de/abfallnavi)
- Bergischer Abfallwirtschaftsverband (https://www.bavweb.de/Kommunale-Entsorgung/)
- Engelskirchen (https://www.bavweb.de/Kommunale-Entsorgung/Engelskirchen/)
- …
- Ahlen (https://www.ahlen.de/start/aub/abfallbeseitigung/abfall-navi/)
- Solingen (https://www.solingen.de/tbs/inhalt/abfallnavi/)
- Borgholzhausen (https://www.borgholzhausen.de/sv_borgholzhausen/Leben/Ver-%20und%20Entsorgung/Abfallentsorgung%20u.%20Beratung/Tonnenticker/)
- And probably many more, let me know!
- Clone the repository
- Setup a python virtualenv with
virtualenv venv
and activate it with. ./venv/bin/activate
- Install requirements with
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the generator:
python generate_ical.py