from bluepy import btle import time import datetime import uuid class SEMSocket(): icons = ["plug", "speaker", "flatscreen", "desk lamp", "oven", "kitchen machine", "canning pot", "stanging lamp", "kettle", "mixer", "hanging lamp", "toaster", "washing machine", "fan", "fridge", "iron", "printer", "monitor", "notebook", "workstation", "video recorder", "curling iron", "heater"] password = "0000" powered = False voltage = 0 current = 0 power = 0 power_factor = 0 total_power = 0 frequency = 0 mac_address = "" custom_service = None authenticated = False _icon_idx = None _name = None _version_char = None _write_char = None _name_char = None _btle_device = None def __init__(self, mac): self.mac_address = mac self._btle_device = btle.Peripheral(None ,addrType=btle.ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC,iface=0) try: self.reconnect() except self.NotConnectedException: # initial connection may fail. It is up to the code what to do pass def getStatus(self): #15, 5, 4, 0, 0, 0, 5, -1, -1 cmd = bytearray([0x04]) payload = bytearray([0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) msg = self.BTLEMessage(self, cmd, payload) return msg.send() def getSynConfig(self): #15, 5, 16, 0, 0, 0, 17, -1, -1 cmd = bytearray([0x10]) payload = bytearray([0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) msg = self.BTLEMessage(self, cmd, payload) msg.send() def getSN(self): # 15, 5, 17, 0, 0, 0, 18, -1, -1 cmd = bytearray([0x11]) payload = bytearray([0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) msg = self.BTLEMessage(self, cmd, payload) msg.send() def setStatus(self, status): # 0f 06 03 00 01 00 00 05 ff ff -> on # 0f 06 03 00 00 00 00 04 ff ff -> off cmd = bytearray([0x03]) payload = bytearray([0x00, status, 0x00, 0x00]) msg = self.BTLEMessage(self, cmd, payload) return msg.send() def syncTime(self): #15, 12, 1, 0, SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR_OF_DAY, DAY_OF_MONTH, MONTH (+1), int(YEAR/256), YEAR%256, 0, 0, CHKSUM, 255, 255 now = cmd = bytearray([0x01]) payload = bytearray([0x00]) payload += bytearray([now.second, now.minute, now.hour]) payload += bytearray([, now.month, int(now.year/256), now.year%256]) payload += bytearray([0x00, 0x00]) msg = self.BTLEMessage(self, cmd, payload) return msg.send() def login(self, password): self.password = password cmd = bytearray([0x17]) payload = bytearray() payload.append(0x00) payload.append(0x00) for i in range(4): payload.append(int(self.password[i])) payload.append(0x00) payload.append(0x00) payload.append(0x00) payload.append(0x00) msg = self.BTLEMessage(self, cmd, payload) success = msg.send() self.authenticated = self.authenticated and success return success def changePassword(self, newPassword): cmd = bytearray([0x17]) payload = bytearray() payload.append(0x00) payload.append(0x01) for i in range(4): payload.append(int(newPassword[i])) for i in range(4): payload.append(int(self.password[i])) self.password = newPassword msg = self.BTLEMessage(self, cmd, payload) success = msg.send() self.authenticated = self.authenticated and success return success def setIcon(self, iconIdx): cmd = bytearray([0x0f]) payload = bytearray([0x00, 0x03, iconIdx, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) msg = self.BTLEMessage(self, cmd, payload) success = msg.send() return success def enableLED(self, status): cmd = bytearray([0x0f]) payload = bytearray([0x00, 0x05, status, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) msg = self.BTLEMessage(self, cmd, payload) success = msg.send() return success @property def name(self): self._name ="UTF-8") return self._name @name.setter def name(self, newName): newNameBytes = newName.encode("UTF-8") cmd = bytearray([0x02]) payload = bytearray() payload.append(0x02) for i in range(20): if i <= (len(newNameBytes) - 1): payload.append(newNameBytes[i]) else: payload.append(0x00) msg = self.BTLEMessage(self, cmd, payload) success = msg.send() # For some reason the original app sets the first 7 bytes of the payload to zero and sends it again. # However, a first test showed, that this really doesn't change anything. If it becomes neccessary here's a first draft: #for i in range(7): # payload[i+1] = 0x00 #msg = self.BTLEMessage(self, cmd, payload) if not success: raise self.SendMessageFailed if != newName: raise self.NotLoggedIn @property def connected(self): try: return "conn" in self._btle_device.status().get("state") except: return False def reconnect(self): self.disconnect() self.connect() if not self.connected: raise self.NotConnectedException def connect(self): self.disconnect() self._btle_device.connect(self.mac_address) self._btle_handler = self.BTLEHandler(self) self._btle_device.setDelegate(self._btle_handler) self._custom_service = self._btle_device.getServiceByUUID(0xfff0) self._version_char = self._custom_service.getCharacteristics("0000fff1-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb")[0] #contains firmware version info self._write_char = self._custom_service.getCharacteristics("0000fff3-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb")[0] #is used to write commands self._name_char = self._custom_service.getCharacteristics("0000fff6-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb")[0] def disconnect(self): if self.connected == True: self._btle_device.disconnect() #def SynVer(self): # print("SynVer") # self.read_char.read_value() #def ______RESET(self): # #15, 5, 16, 0, 0, 0, 17, -1, -1 ??? maybe reset? # pass class NotConnectedException(Exception): pass class SendMessageFailed(Exception): pass class NotLoggedIn(Exception): pass class BTLEMessage(): MAGIC_START = bytearray([0x0f]) MAGIC_END = bytearray([0xff, 0xff]) __data = bytearray() __cmd = bytearray(1) # cmd cannot be empty __payload = bytearray() def __init__(self, btle_device, cmd=bytearray(), payload=bytearray()): self.__btle_device = btle_device self.cmd = cmd self.payload = payload @property def cmd(self): return self.__cmd @cmd.setter def cmd(self, cmd): self.__data = self.MAGIC_START + bytearray(1) + cmd + self.__payload + bytearray(1) + self.MAGIC_END self.__cmd = cmd self.__calc_length() self.__calc_checksum() @property def payload(self): return self.__payload @payload.setter def payload(self, payload): self.__data = self.MAGIC_START + bytearray(1) + self.__cmd + payload + bytearray(1) + self.MAGIC_END self.__payload = payload self.__calc_length() self.__calc_checksum() def __calc_checksum(self): checksum = 1 for i in range(2, self.__data[1] + 2): checksum += self.__data[i] self.__data[-3] = checksum & 0xff def __calc_length(self): self.__data[1] = 1 + len(self.__payload) + 1 # cmd + payload + checksum def send(self): if not self.__btle_device.connected: self.__btle_device.reconnect() self.__btle_device._write_char.write(self.__data, True) return self.__btle_device._btle_device.waitForNotifications(5) class BTLEHandler(btle.DefaultDelegate): def __init__(self, btle_device): btle.DefaultDelegate.__init__(self) self.__btle_device = btle_device def handleNotification(self, cHandle, data): if len(data) <= 3: print("Notification data seems invalid or incomplete. Could not parse: ", end="") print(data) return message_type = data[2] if message_type == 0x00: if data[4] == 0x01: print("Checksum error!") else: print("Unknown error:", data) elif message_type == 0x01: #sync time response if not data[3:] == b'\x00\x00\x02\xff\xff': print("Time synced failed with unknown data: ", end="") print(data) elif message_type == 0x02: #set name response if not data[3:] == b'\x00\x00\x03\xff\xff': print("Set name failed with unknown data: ", end="") print(data) elif message_type == 0x03: #switch toggle response self.__btle_device.getStatus() elif message_type == 0x04: #status related response voltage = data[8] current = (data[9] << 8 | data[10]) / 1000 power = (data[5] << 16 | data[6] << 8 | data[7]) / 1000 total_power = (data[14] << 24 | data[15] << 16 | data[16] << 8 | data[17]) / 1000 self.__btle_device.voltage = voltage self.__btle_device.current = current self.__btle_device.power = power self.__btle_device.frequency = data[11] self.__btle_device.powered = bool(data[4]) self.__btle_device.total_power = total_power # calculated values try: self.__btle_device.power_factor = power / (voltage * current) except ZeroDivisionError: self.__btle_device.power_factor = None elif message_type == 0x10: self.__btle_device.default_charge = (data[5] / 100) self.__btle_device.night_charge = (data[6] / 100) night_charge_start_time = int((data[7] << 8 | data[8]) / 60) night_charge_end_time = int((data[9] << 8 | data[10]) / 60) self.__btle_device.night_charge_start_time = time.strptime(str(night_charge_start_time), "%H") self.__btle_device.night_charge_end_time = time.strptime(str(night_charge_end_time), "%H") self.__btle_device.night_mode = not bool(data[11]) self.__btle_device.icon_idx = data[12] self.__btle_device.power_protect = (data[13] << 8 | data[14]) elif message_type == 0x17: #authentication related response if data[5] == 0x00 or data[5] == 0x01: # in theory the fifth byte indicates a login attempt response (0) or a response to a password change (1) # but since a password change requires a valid login and a successful password changes logs you in, # we can just ignore this bit and set the authenticated flag accordingly for both responses self.__btle_device.authenticated = not data[4] else: print("5th byte of login-response is > 1:", data) elif message_type == 0x0f: #set icon response if data[3:6] == b'\x00\x03\x00': # LED set successfully pass elif data[3:6] == b'\x00\x05\x00': # Icon set successfully pass else: print("Unknown response for setting icon: ", end="") print(data[3:]) else: print ("Unknown message from Handle: 0x" + format(cHandle,'02X') + " Value: "+ format(data))