diff --git a/example.py b/example.py index b8cd2f5..fb8d516 100644 --- a/example.py +++ b/example.py @@ -11,22 +11,25 @@ while True: time.sleep(1) try: if socket == None: - print("Connecting...") - - # auto_reconnect_timeout enabled auto reconnect if sending a command fails. Valid values: - # None (default): everything that fails throws NotConnectedException's - # -1: infinite retries - # integer: seconds before exception is thrown - + print("Connecting... ", end="") socket = SEMSocket('f0:c7:7f:0d:e7:17') - print("Connected.") - - #socket.login("1337") - #socket.changePassword("1234") - #socket.login("1234") + print("Success!") + print("You're now connected to: {} (Icon: {})".format(socket.name, socket.icons[0])) + if socket.login("1234") and socket.authenticated: + print("Login successful!") + socket.getSynConfig() + print() + print("=== Tariff settings ===") + print("Default charge:", socket.default_charge) + print("Night charge:", socket.night_charge) + print("Night tariff from {} to {}".format(socket.night_charge_start_time.tm_hour, socket.night_charge_end_time.tm_hour)) + print() + print("=== Other settings ===") + print("Night mode:", "active" if socket.night_mode else "inactive") + print("Power protection:", socket.power_protect) + print() socket.getStatus() - socket.setStatus(True) print("=== {} ({}) ===".format(socket.mac_address, "on" if socket.powered else "off")) print("\t{}V {}A → {}W@{}Hz (PF: {})".format(socket.voltage, socket.current, socket.power, socket.frequency, socket.power_factor)) except (SEMSocket.NotConnectedException, bluepy.btle.BTLEDisconnectError, BrokenPipeError):