# schort - It's just is a tiny link shortener ## Installation instructions: 1. Clone this repo into e.g. /opt/schort 2. Create a user and adjust permissions to write at least into /opt/schort/data 2. Install requirements (see below) 3. Configure your wsgi or fcgi server 4. Configure your webserver that he talks to your wsgi/fcgi server ## Requirements: | Module | Explanation | | ------------- |---------------| | Flask | Flask handels all HTTP-stuff in this application | | sqlite3 | In gentoo this useflag needs to be set while compiling python3 | ## µWSGI The schort.wsgi file can be set as UWSGI_PROGRAM if you use uWSGI. Keep in mind, that the UWSGI_DIR needs to be set to the path where schort.py resists. This is because schort is not installed in a global scope. Since schort.wsgi imports schort.py it needs his workspace in the same folder.