# # Displays Git repository information. # # Authors: # Sorin Ionescu <sorin.ionescu@gmail.com> # # Usage: # Define the following styles in a prompt theme setup function. # # # %s - Special action name (am, merge, rebase). # zstyle ':omz:module:git' action 'action:%s' # # # %a - Indicator to notify of added files. # zstyle ':omz:module:git' added 'added:%a' # # # %A - Indicator to notify of ahead branch. # zstyle ':omz:module:git' ahead 'ahead:%A' # # # %B - Indicator to notify of behind branch. # zstyle ':omz:module:git' behind 'behind:%B' # # # %b - Branch name. # zstyle ':omz:module:git' branch 'branch:%b' # # # %C - Indicator to notify of a clean working directory. # zstyle ':omz:module:git' clean 'clean' # # # %c - SHA-1 hash. # zstyle ':omz:module:git' commit 'commit:%c' # # # %d - Indicator to notify of deleted files. # zstyle ':omz:module:git' deleted 'deleted:%d' # # # %D - Indicator to notify of dirty files. # zstyle ':omz:module:git' dirty 'dirty:%D' # # # %m - Indicator to notify of modified files. # zstyle ':omz:module:git' modified 'modified:%m' # # # %p - HEAD position in relation to the nearest branch, remote, tag. # zstyle ':omz:module:git' position 'position:%p' # # # %R - Remote name. # zstyle ':omz:moduleit' remote 'remote:%R' # # # %r - Indicator to notify of renamed files. # zstyle ':omz:module:git' renamed 'renamed:%r' # # # %S - Indicator to notify of stashed files. # zstyle ':omz:module:git' stashed 'stashed:%S' # # # %U - Indicator to notify of unmerged files. # zstyle ':omz:module:git' unmerged 'unmerged:%U' # # # %u - Indicator to notify of untracked files. # zstyle ':omz:module:git' untracked 'untracked:%u' # # # Ignore submodule when it is 'dirty', 'untracked', 'all', or 'none'. # zstyle ':omz:module:git:ignore' submodule '' # # # Prompts. # zstyle ':omz:module:git' info \ # 'prompt' ' git:(%b%C%D)' \ # 'rprompt' '' # # Load dependencies. omodload 'trap' # Gets the Git special action (am, bisect, cherry, merge, rebase). # Borrowed from vcs_info and edited. function _git-action { local action_dir local git_dir="$(git-dir)" for action_dir in \ "${git_dir}/rebase-apply" \ "${git_dir}/rebase" \ "${git_dir}/../.dotest" do if [[ -d "$action_dir" ]] ; then if [[ -f "${action_dir}/rebasing" ]] ; then print 'rebase' elif [[ -f "${action_dir}/applying" ]] ; then print 'am' else print 'am/rebase' fi return 0 fi done for action_dir in \ "${git_dir}/rebase-merge/interactive" \ "${git_dir}/.dotest-merge/interactive" do if [[ -f "$action_dir" ]]; then print 'rebase-i' return 0 fi done for action_dir in \ "${git_dir}/rebase-merge" "${git_dir}/.dotest-merge" do if [[ -d "$action_dir" ]]; then print 'rebase-m' return 0 fi done if [[ -f "${git_dir}/MERGE_HEAD" ]]; then print 'merge' return 0 fi if [[ -f "${git_dir}/CHERRY_PICK_HEAD" ]]; then if [[ -d "${git_dir}/sequencer" ]] ; then print 'cherry-seq' else print 'cherry' fi return 0 fi if [[ -f "${git_dir}/BISECT_LOG" ]]; then print 'bisect' return 0 fi return 1 } # Turns off git-info for the current repository. function _git-info-abort { if ! is-true "$_git_info_executing"; then return 1 fi cat >&2 <<EOF Gathering status for certain repositories is time intensive. By pressing CTRL + C, you have turned off prompt Git status for this repository. To revert, execute: git-info on EOF unset _git_info_executing git config --bool prompt.showinfo false git-info return 0 } add-zsh-trap INT _git-info-abort # Gets the Git status information. function git-info { # Extended globbing is needed to parse repository status. setopt LOCAL_OPTIONS setopt EXTENDED_GLOB local action local action_format local action_formatted local added=0 local added_format local added_formatted local ahead local ahead_and_behind local ahead_and_behind_cmd local ahead_format local ahead_formatted local ahead_or_behind local behind local behind_format local behind_formatted local branch local branch_format local branch_formatted local branch_info local clean local clean_formatted local commit local commit_format local commit_formatted local deleted=0 local deleted_format local deleted_formatted local dirty=0 local dirty_format local dirty_formatted local ignore_submodule local -A info_formats local info_format local line_number=0 local modified=0 local modified_format local modified_formatted local position local position_format local position_formatted local remote local remote_cmd local remote_format local remote_formatted local renamed=0 local renamed_format local renamed_formatted local stashed=0 local stashed_format local stashed_formatted local status_cmd local unmerged=0 local unmerged_format local unmerged_formatted local untracked=0 local untracked_format local untracked_formatted # Clean up previous $git_info. unset git_info typeset -gA git_info # Return if not inside a Git repository work tree. if ! is-true "$(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2> /dev/null)"; then return 1 fi if (( $# > 0 )); then if [[ "$1" == [Oo][Nn] ]]; then git config --bool prompt.showinfo true elif [[ "$1" == [Oo][Ff][Ff] ]]; then git config --bool prompt.showinfo false else print "usage: $0 [ on | off ]" >&2 fi return 0 fi # Return if git-info is disabled. if ! is-true "${$(git config --bool prompt.showinfo):-true}"; then return 1 fi # Used to abort and turn git-info off on SIGINT. _git_info_executing=true # Use porcelain status for easy parsing. status_cmd='git status --porcelain' # Gets the remote name. remote_cmd='git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name --verify HEAD@{upstream}' # Gets the commit difference counts between local and remote. ahead_and_behind_cmd='git rev-list --count --left-right HEAD...@{upstream}' # Ignore submodule status. zstyle -s ':omz:module:git:ignore' submodule 'ignore_submodule' if [[ -n "$ignore_submodule" ]]; then status_cmd+=" --ignore-submodules=${ignore_submodule}" fi # Format commit. commit="$(git rev-parse HEAD 2> /dev/null)" if [[ -n "$commit" ]]; then zstyle -s ':omz:module:git' commit 'commit_format' zformat -f commit_formatted "$commit_format" "c:$commit" fi # Format stashed. if [[ -f "$(git-dir)/refs/stash" ]]; then stashed="$(git stash list 2> /dev/null | wc -l | awk '{print $1}')" zstyle -s ':omz:module:git' stashed 'stashed_format' zformat -f stashed_formatted "$stashed_format" "S:$stashed" fi # Format action. action="$(_git-action)" if [[ -n "$action" ]]; then zstyle -s ':omz:module:git' action 'action_format' zformat -f action_formatted "$action_format" "s:$action" fi # Get current status. while IFS=$'\n' read line; do # Count added, deleted, modified, renamed, unmerged, untracked, dirty. # T (type change) is undocumented, see http://git.io/FnpMGw. # For a table of scenarii, see http://i.imgur.com/2YLu1.png. [[ "$line" == ([ACDMT][\ MT]|[ACMT]D)\ * ]] && (( added++ )) [[ "$line" == [\ ACMRT]D\ * ]] && (( deleted++ )) [[ "$line" == ?[MT]\ * ]] && (( modified++ )) [[ "$line" == R?\ * ]] && (( renamed++ )) [[ "$line" == (AA|DD|U?|?U)\ * ]] && (( unmerged++ )) [[ "$line" == \?\?\ * ]] && (( untracked++ )) (( dirty++ )) done < <(${(z)status_cmd} 2> /dev/null) # Format branch. branch="${$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD)##refs/heads/}" if [[ -n "$branch" ]]; then zstyle -s ':omz:module:git' branch 'branch_format' zformat -f branch_formatted "$branch_format" "b:$branch" # Format remote. remote="${$(${(z)remote_cmd} 2> /dev/null)##refs/remotes/}" if [[ -n "$remote" ]]; then zstyle -s ':omz:module:git' remote 'remote_format' zformat -f remote_formatted "$remote_format" "R:$remote" # Get ahead and behind counts. ahead_and_behind="$(${(z)ahead_and_behind_cmd} 2> /dev/null)" # Format ahead. ahead="$ahead_and_behind[(w)1]" if (( $ahead > 0 )); then zstyle -s ':omz:module:git' ahead 'ahead_format' zformat -f ahead_formatted "$ahead_format" "A:$ahead" fi # Format behind. behind="$ahead_and_behind[(w)2]" if (( $behind > 0 )); then zstyle -s ':omz:module:git' behind 'behind_format' zformat -f behind_formatted "$behind_format" "B:$behind" fi fi else # Format position. position="$(git describe --contains --all HEAD 2> /dev/null)" if [[ -n "$position" ]]; then zstyle -s ':omz:module:git' position 'position_format' zformat -f position_formatted "$position_format" "p:$position" fi fi # Format added. if (( $added > 0 )); then zstyle -s ':omz:module:git' added 'added_format' zformat -f added_formatted "$added_format" "a:$added_format" fi # Format deleted. if (( $deleted > 0 )); then zstyle -s ':omz:module:git' deleted 'deleted_format' zformat -f deleted_formatted "$deleted_format" "d:$deleted_format" fi # Format modified. if (( $modified > 0 )); then zstyle -s ':omz:module:git' modified 'modified_format' zformat -f modified_formatted "$modified_format" "m:$modified" fi # Format renamed. if (( $renamed > 0 )); then zstyle -s ':omz:module:git' renamed 'renamed_format' zformat -f renamed_formatted "$renamed_format" "r:$renamed" fi # Format unmerged. if (( $unmerged > 0 )); then zstyle -s ':omz:module:git' unmerged 'unmerged_format' zformat -f unmerged_formatted "$unmerged_format" "U:$unmerged" fi # Format untracked. if (( $untracked > 0 )); then zstyle -s ':omz:module:git' untracked 'untracked_format' zformat -f untracked_formatted "$untracked_format" "u:$untracked" fi # Format dirty and clean. if (( $dirty > 0 )); then zstyle -s ':omz:module:git' dirty 'dirty_format' zformat -f dirty_formatted "$dirty_format" "D:$dirty" else zstyle -s ':omz:module:git' clean 'clean_formatted' fi # Format info. zstyle -a ':omz:module:git' info 'info_formats' for info_format in ${(k)info_formats}; do zformat -f REPLY "$info_formats[$info_format]" \ "A:$ahead_formatted" \ "B:$behind_formatted" \ "D:$dirty_formatted" \ "R:$remote_formatted" \ "S:$stashed_formatted" \ "U:$unmerged_formatted" \ "a:$added_formatted" \ "b:$branch_formatted" \ "C:$clean_formatted" \ "c:$commit_formatted" \ "d:$deleted_formatted" \ "m:$modified_formatted" \ "p:$position_formatted" \ "r:$renamed_formatted" \ "s:$action_formatted" \ "u:$untracked_formatted" git_info[$info_format]="$REPLY" done unset REPLY unset _git_info_executing return 0 } git-info "$@"