# # Provides for an easier use of ssh-agent. # # Authors: # Robby Russell # Theodore Robert Campbell Jr # Joseph M. Reagle Jr. # Florent Thoumie # Jonas Pfenniger # gwjo # Sorin Ionescu # # Return if requirements are not found. if (( ! $+commands[ssh-agent] )); then return 1 fi # Load dependencies. pmodload 'helper' _ssh_agent_env="${HOME}/.ssh/environment-${HOST}" _ssh_agent_forwarding= function _ssh-agent-start { local -a identities # Start ssh-agent and setup the environment. rm -f "${_ssh_agent_env}" ssh-agent > "${_ssh_agent_env}" chmod 600 "${_ssh_agent_env}" source "${_ssh_agent_env}" > /dev/null # Load identities. zstyle -a ':prezto:module:ssh-agent' identities 'identities' if (( ${#identities} > 0 )); then ssh-add "${HOME}/.ssh/${^identities[@]}" else ssh-add fi } # Test if agent-forwarding is enabled. zstyle -b ':prezto:module:ssh-agent' forwarding '_ssh_agent_forwarding' if is-true "${_ssh_agent_forwarding}" && [[ -n "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ]]; then # Add a nifty symlink for screen/tmux if agent forwarding. [[ -L "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ]] || ln -sf "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" /tmp/ssh-agent-$USER-screen elif [[ -s "${_ssh_agent_env}" ]]; then # Source SSH settings, if applicable. source "${_ssh_agent_env}" > /dev/null ps -ef | grep "${SSH_AGENT_PID}" | grep -q 'ssh-agent$' || { _ssh-agent-start; } else _ssh-agent-start; fi # Tidy up after ourselves. unfunction _ssh-agent-start unset _ssh_agent_{env,forwarding}