# Set the path to Oh My Zsh. OMZ="$HOME/.oh-my-zsh" # Set the key mapping style to 'emacs' or 'vi'. KEYMAP='emacs' # Set case-sensitivity for completion, history lookup, etc. CASE_SENSITIVE='false' # Color output (auto set to 'false' on dumb terminals). COLOR='true' # Auto set the tab and window titles. AUTO_TITLE='true' # Auto convert .... to ../.. DOT_EXPANSION='false' # Indicate that completions are being generated. COMPLETION_INDICATOR='false' # Set the plugins to load (see $OMZ/plugins/). # Example: plugins=(git lighthouse rails ruby textmate) plugins=(git) # This will make you shout: OH MY ZSHELL! source "$OMZ/init.zsh" # Load the prompt theme (type prompt -l to list all themes). # Setting it to 'random' loads a random theme. [[ "$TERM" != 'dumb' ]] && prompt sorin || prompt off # Customize to your needs...