# # Executes commands at login post-zshrc. # # Authors: # Sorin Ionescu <sorin.ionescu@gmail.com> # # Execute code that does not affect the current session in the background. { # Compile the completion dump to increase startup speed. zcompdump="$HOME/.zcompdump" if [[ "$zcompdump" -nt "${zcompdump}.zwc" || ! -s "${zcompdump}.zwc" ]]; then zcompile "$zcompdump" fi # Set environment variables for launchd processes. if [[ "$OSTYPE" == darwin* ]]; then for env_var in PATH MANPATH; do launchctl setenv "$env_var" "${(P)env_var}" done fi } &! # Print a random, hopefully interesting, adage. if (( $+commands[fortune] )); then fortune -a print fi