Add web Wählscheibe
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 714 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
difference() {
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for ( number = [0 : 9] ) {
rotate([0, 0, -((360/14)*number)+(360/14)]) {
translate([0, -waehlscheibe_diameter/2+fingerhole_diameter/2+fingerhole_clearance, 0]) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
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M 2.51161,39.9211 L 5.01332,39.6846 L 7.49524,39.2915 L 9.94759,38.7433 L 12.3607,38.0423 L 14.725,37.1911
L 17.0312,36.1931 L 19.2701,35.0523 L 21.4331,33.7731 L 23.5114,32.3607 L 25.4969,30.8205 L 27.3819,29.1587
L 29.1587,27.3819 L 30.8205,25.4969 L 32.3607,23.5114 L 33.7731,21.4331 L 35.0523,19.2701 L 36.1931,17.0312
L 37.1911,14.725 L 38.0423,12.3607 L 38.7433,9.94759 L 39.2915,7.49524 L 39.6846,5.01332 L 39.9211,2.51161
L 40,-0 L 39.9211,-2.51161 L 39.6846,-5.01332 L 39.2915,-7.49524 L 38.7433,-9.94759 L 38.0423,-12.3607
L 37.1911,-14.725 L 36.1931,-17.0312 L 35.0523,-19.2701 L 33.7731,-21.4331 L 32.3607,-23.5114 L 30.8205,-25.4969
L 29.1587,-27.3819 L 27.3819,-29.1587 L 25.4969,-30.8205 L 23.5114,-32.3607 L 21.4331,-33.7731 L 19.2701,-35.0523
L 17.0312,-36.1931 L 14.725,-37.1911 L 12.3607,-38.0423 L 9.94759,-38.7433 L 7.49524,-39.2915 L 5.01332,-39.6846
L 2.51161,-39.9211 L 0,-40 L -2.51161,-39.9211 L -5.01332,-39.6846 L -7.49524,-39.2915 L -9.94759,-38.7433
L -12.3607,-38.0423 L -14.725,-37.1911 L -17.0312,-36.1931 L -19.2701,-35.0523 L -21.4331,-33.7731 L -23.5114,-32.3607
L -25.4969,-30.8205 L -27.3819,-29.1587 L -29.1587,-27.3819 L -30.8205,-25.4969 L -32.3607,-23.5114 L -33.7731,-21.4331
L -35.0523,-19.2701 L -36.1931,-17.0312 L -37.1911,-14.725 L -38.0423,-12.3607 L -38.7433,-9.94759 L -39.2915,-7.49524
L -39.6846,-5.01332 L -39.9211,-2.51161 L -40,-0 L -39.9211,2.51161 L -39.6846,5.01332 L -39.2915,7.49524
L -38.7433,9.94759 L -38.0423,12.3607 L -37.1911,14.725 L -36.1931,17.0312 L -35.0523,19.2701 L -33.7731,21.4331
L -32.3607,23.5114 L -30.8205,25.4969 L -29.1587,27.3819 L -27.3819,29.1587 L -25.4969,30.8205 L -23.5114,32.3607
L -21.4331,33.7731 L -19.2701,35.0523 L -17.0312,36.1931 L -14.725,37.1911 L -12.3607,38.0423 L -9.94759,38.7433
L -7.49524,39.2915 L -5.01332,39.6846 L -2.51161,39.9211 L 0,40 z
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L -2.76756,-25.1186 L -3.13139,-25.304 L -3.48286,-25.5119 L -3.8206,-25.7414 L -4.14325,-25.9917 L -4.44955,-26.2617
L -4.73828,-26.5504 L -5.00833,-26.8567 L -5.25861,-27.1794 L -5.48813,-27.5171 L -5.69598,-27.8686 L -5.88136,-28.2324
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L -2.76756,-36.8814 L -2.39281,-37.0435 L -2.00861,-37.1819 L -1.61647,-37.2958 L -1.21797,-37.3849 L -0.814651,-37.4487
L -0.408127,-37.4872 L 0,-37.5 L 0.408127,-37.4872 L 0.814651,-37.4487 L 1.21797,-37.3849 L 1.61647,-37.2958
L 2.00861,-37.1819 L 2.39281,-37.0435 L 2.76756,-36.8814 L 3.13139,-36.696 L 3.48286,-36.4881 L 3.8206,-36.2586
L 4.14325,-36.0083 L 4.44955,-35.7383 L 4.73828,-35.4496 L 5.00833,-35.1432 L 5.25861,-34.8206 L 5.48813,-34.4829
L 5.69598,-34.1314 L 5.88136,-33.7676 L 6.04353,-33.3928 L 6.18185,-33.0086 L 6.29578,-32.6165 L 6.38486,-32.218
L 6.44873,-31.8147 L 6.48717,-31.4081 L 6.5,-31 L 6.48717,-30.5919 L 6.44873,-30.1853 L 6.38486,-29.782
L 6.29578,-29.3835 L 6.18185,-28.9914 L 6.04353,-28.6072 L 5.88136,-28.2324 L 5.69598,-27.8686 L 5.48813,-27.5171
L 5.25861,-27.1794 L 5.00833,-26.8567 L 4.73828,-26.5504 L 4.44955,-26.2617 L 4.14325,-25.9917 L 3.8206,-25.7414
L 3.48286,-25.5119 L 3.13139,-25.304 L 2.76756,-25.1186 L 2.39281,-24.9565 L 2.00861,-24.8181 L 1.61647,-24.7042
L 1.21797,-24.6151 L 0.814651,-24.5513 L 0.408127,-24.5128 L 0,-24.5 z
M -13.8003,-21.4395 L -14.2071,-21.4742 L -14.611,-21.5345 L -15.0103,-21.62 L -15.4034,-21.7304 L -15.7888,-21.8652
L -16.1651,-22.024 L -16.5305,-22.2062 L -16.8839,-22.4109 L -17.2236,-22.6373 L -17.5485,-22.8847 L -17.8572,-23.152
L -18.1486,-23.4381 L -18.4213,-23.742 L -18.6745,-24.0624 L -18.907,-24.398 L -19.118,-24.7476 L -19.3067,-25.1098
L -19.4722,-25.4831 L -19.614,-25.866 L -19.7314,-26.2571 L -19.8241,-26.6548 L -19.8916,-27.0575 L -19.9336,-27.4637
L -19.9501,-27.8717 L -19.941,-28.2799 L -19.9062,-28.6868 L -19.8459,-29.0907 L -19.7604,-29.4899 L -19.65,-29.8831
L -19.5152,-30.2685 L -19.3564,-30.6447 L -19.1743,-31.0102 L -18.9696,-31.3635 L -18.7431,-31.7033 L -18.4957,-32.0282
L -18.2284,-32.3369 L -17.9423,-32.6282 L -17.6384,-32.901 L -17.318,-33.1541 L -16.9824,-33.3867 L -16.6328,-33.5977
L -16.2706,-33.7863 L -15.8974,-33.9519 L -15.5144,-34.0936 L -15.1233,-34.2111 L -14.7256,-34.3037 L -14.3229,-34.3712
L -13.9167,-34.4133 L -13.5087,-34.4298 L -13.1005,-34.4206 L -12.6936,-34.3858 L -12.2898,-34.3256 L -11.8905,-34.2401
L -11.4973,-34.1297 L -11.1119,-33.9948 L -10.7357,-33.836 L -10.3702,-33.6539 L -10.0169,-33.4492 L -9.67714,-33.2227
L -9.35225,-32.9754 L -9.04355,-32.7081 L -8.75223,-32.4219 L -8.47945,-32.1181 L -8.22629,-31.7977 L -7.99374,-31.462
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L -7.14034,-26.3701 L -7.25075,-25.977 L -7.3856,-25.5916 L -7.5444,-25.2154 L -7.72652,-24.8499 L -7.93121,-24.4966
L -8.1577,-24.1568 L -8.40506,-23.8319 L -8.67235,-23.5232 L -8.95848,-23.2319 L -9.26234,-22.9591 L -9.58273,-22.7059
L -9.9184,-22.4734 L -10.268,-22.2624 L -10.6301,-22.0737 L -11.0034,-21.9082 L -11.3864,-21.7664 L -11.7775,-21.649
L -12.1752,-21.5564 L -12.5779,-21.4889 L -12.984,-21.4468 L -13.392,-21.4303 z
M 12.984,-21.4468 L 12.5779,-21.4889 L 12.1752,-21.5564 L 11.7775,-21.649 L 11.3864,-21.7664 L 11.0034,-21.9082
L 10.6301,-22.0737 L 10.268,-22.2624 L 9.9184,-22.4734 L 9.58273,-22.7059 L 9.26234,-22.9591 L 8.95848,-23.2319
L 8.67235,-23.5232 L 8.40506,-23.8319 L 8.1577,-24.1568 L 7.93121,-24.4966 L 7.72652,-24.8499 L 7.5444,-25.2154
L 7.3856,-25.5916 L 7.25075,-25.977 L 7.14034,-26.3701 L 7.05484,-26.7694 L 6.99458,-27.1733 L 6.95981,-27.5801
L 6.95065,-27.9884 L 6.96713,-28.3964 L 7.00922,-28.8025 L 7.07671,-29.2053 L 7.16936,-29.603 L 7.2868,-29.994
L 7.42856,-30.377 L 7.59409,-30.7503 L 7.78273,-31.1124 L 7.99374,-31.462 L 8.22629,-31.7977 L 8.47945,-32.1181
L 8.75223,-32.4219 L 9.04355,-32.7081 L 9.35225,-32.9754 L 9.67714,-33.2227 L 10.0169,-33.4492 L 10.3702,-33.6539
L 10.7357,-33.836 L 11.1119,-33.9948 L 11.4973,-34.1297 L 11.8905,-34.2401 L 12.2898,-34.3256 L 12.6936,-34.3858
L 13.1005,-34.4206 L 13.5087,-34.4298 L 13.9167,-34.4133 L 14.3229,-34.3712 L 14.7256,-34.3037 L 15.1233,-34.2111
L 15.5144,-34.0936 L 15.8974,-33.9519 L 16.2706,-33.7863 L 16.6328,-33.5977 L 16.9824,-33.3867 L 17.318,-33.1541
L 17.6384,-32.901 L 17.9423,-32.6282 L 18.2284,-32.3369 L 18.4957,-32.0282 L 18.7431,-31.7033 L 18.9696,-31.3635
L 19.1743,-31.0102 L 19.3564,-30.6447 L 19.5152,-30.2685 L 19.65,-29.8831 L 19.7604,-29.4899 L 19.8459,-29.0907
L 19.9062,-28.6868 L 19.941,-28.2799 L 19.9501,-27.8717 L 19.9336,-27.4637 L 19.8916,-27.0575 L 19.8241,-26.6548
L 19.7314,-26.2571 L 19.614,-25.866 L 19.4722,-25.4831 L 19.3067,-25.1098 L 19.118,-24.7476 L 18.907,-24.398
L 18.6745,-24.0624 L 18.4213,-23.742 L 18.1486,-23.4381 L 17.8572,-23.152 L 17.5485,-22.8847 L 17.2236,-22.6373
L 16.8839,-22.4109 L 16.5305,-22.2062 L 16.1651,-22.024 L 15.7888,-21.8652 L 15.4034,-21.7304 L 15.0103,-21.62
L 14.611,-21.5345 L 14.2071,-21.4742 L 13.8003,-21.4395 L 13.392,-21.4303 z
M -24.5284,-12.8347 L -24.9355,-12.8658 L -25.3399,-12.9225 L -25.74,-13.0044 L -26.1341,-13.1113 L -26.5207,-13.2426
L -26.8983,-13.3981 L -27.2654,-13.5769 L -27.6206,-13.7784 L -27.9624,-14.0018 L -28.2895,-14.2463 L -28.6006,-14.5108
L -28.8944,-14.7943 L -29.1699,-15.0957 L -29.4259,-15.4138 L -29.6615,-15.7473 L -29.8756,-16.095 L -30.0675,-16.4555
L -30.2364,-16.8273 L -30.3816,-17.2089 L -30.5025,-17.5989 L -30.5987,-17.9958 L -30.6698,-18.3979 L -30.7156,-18.8036
L -30.7357,-19.2115 L -30.7302,-19.6198 L -30.6991,-20.0269 L -30.6425,-20.4314 L -30.5606,-20.8314 L -30.4537,-21.2255
L -30.3223,-21.6121 L -30.1669,-21.9897 L -29.9881,-22.3568 L -29.7865,-22.712 L -29.5631,-23.0538 L -29.3187,-23.3809
L -29.0542,-23.692 L -28.7707,-23.9858 L -28.4693,-24.2613 L -28.1512,-24.5173 L -27.8176,-24.7529 L -27.4699,-24.967
L -27.1095,-25.1589 L -26.7377,-25.3278 L -26.356,-25.473 L -25.966,-25.5939 L -25.5692,-25.6902 L -25.1671,-25.7613
L -24.7613,-25.807 L -24.3535,-25.8271 L -23.9451,-25.8216 L -23.538,-25.7905 L -23.1336,-25.7339 L -22.7336,-25.652
L -22.3394,-25.5451 L -21.9528,-25.4137 L -21.5752,-25.2583 L -21.2081,-25.0795 L -20.853,-24.8779 L -20.5112,-24.6545
L -20.1841,-24.4101 L -19.873,-24.1456 L -19.5791,-23.8621 L -19.3036,-23.5607 L -19.0476,-23.2426 L -18.812,-22.909
L -18.5979,-22.5613 L -18.406,-22.2009 L -18.2372,-21.8291 L -18.0919,-21.4474 L -17.971,-21.0574 L -17.8748,-20.6606
L -17.8037,-20.2585 L -17.758,-19.8527 L -17.7378,-19.4449 L -17.7433,-19.0366 L -17.7744,-18.6294 L -17.8311,-18.225
L -17.913,-17.825 L -18.0198,-17.4309 L -18.1512,-17.0442 L -18.3067,-16.6666 L -18.4855,-16.2995 L -18.687,-15.9444
L -18.9104,-15.6026 L -19.1549,-15.2755 L -19.4194,-14.9644 L -19.7029,-14.6705 L -20.0043,-14.395 L -20.3224,-14.139
L -20.6559,-13.9035 L -21.0036,-13.6893 L -21.3641,-13.4974 L -21.7359,-13.3286 L -22.1175,-13.1834 L -22.5075,-13.0624
L -22.9044,-12.9662 L -23.3065,-12.8951 L -23.7122,-12.8494 L -24.1201,-12.8292 z
M -30.4561,-0.402328 L -30.8635,-0.429794 L -31.2684,-0.482788 L -31.6691,-0.561111 L -32.0642,-0.664429 L -32.452,-0.792358
L -32.831,-0.944382 L -33.1997,-1.1199 L -33.5566,-1.31822 L -33.9004,-1.53857 L -34.2297,-1.78006 L -34.5431,-2.04176
L -34.8395,-2.32262 L -35.1177,-2.62154 L -35.3766,-2.93733 L -35.6151,-3.26877 L -35.8324,-3.61452 L -36.0275,-3.97322
L -36.1997,-4.34348 L -36.3483,-4.72382 L -36.4727,-5.11273 L -36.5725,-5.5087 L -36.6472,-5.91014 L -36.6966,-6.31549
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L -36.3285,-9.12737 L -36.1765,-9.50635 L -36.001,-9.87505 L -35.8027,-10.232 L -35.5823,-10.5758 L -35.3408,-10.905
L -35.0791,-11.2185 L -34.7983,-11.5149 L -34.4994,-11.7931 L -34.1836,-12.052 L -33.8521,-12.2905 L -33.5064,-12.5078
L -33.1477,-12.7029 L -32.7774,-12.8751 L -32.3971,-13.0237 L -32.0082,-13.1481 L -31.6122,-13.2479 L -31.2108,-13.3226
L -30.8054,-13.372 L -30.3978,-13.3958 L -29.9894,-13.394 L -29.582,-13.3665 L -29.1771,-13.3135 L -28.7764,-13.2352
L -28.3813,-13.1319 L -27.9935,-13.0039 L -27.6145,-12.8519 L -27.2458,-12.6764 L -26.8889,-12.4781 L -26.5451,-12.2577
L -26.2159,-12.0162 L -25.9024,-11.7545 L -25.606,-11.4737 L -25.3278,-11.1747 L -25.0689,-10.8589 L -24.8304,-10.5275
L -24.6131,-10.1818 L -24.418,-9.82306 L -24.2458,-9.4528 L -24.0972,-9.07246 L -23.9728,-8.68355 L -23.873,-8.28758
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L -24.8632,-3.2205 L -25.1047,-2.89124 L -25.3664,-2.57777 L -25.6472,-2.28137 L -25.9462,-2.00317 L -26.2619,-1.74431
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M -30.8054,13.372 L -31.2108,13.3226 L -31.6122,13.2479 L -32.0082,13.1481 L -32.3971,13.0237 L -32.7774,12.8751
L -33.1477,12.7029 L -33.5064,12.5078 L -33.8521,12.2905 L -34.1836,12.052 L -34.4994,11.7931 L -34.7983,11.5149
L -35.0791,11.2185 L -35.3408,10.905 L -35.5823,10.5758 L -35.8027,10.232 L -36.001,9.87505 L -36.1765,9.50635
L -36.3285,9.12737 L -36.4565,8.73958 L -36.5598,8.34453 L -36.6381,7.94377 L -36.6911,7.53888 L -36.7186,7.13147
L -36.7204,6.72313 L -36.6966,6.31549 L -36.6472,5.91014 L -36.5725,5.5087 L -36.4727,5.11273 L -36.3483,4.72382
L -36.1997,4.34348 L -36.0275,3.97322 L -35.8324,3.61452 L -35.6151,3.26877 L -35.3766,2.93733 L -35.1177,2.62154
L -34.8395,2.32262 L -34.5431,2.04176 L -34.2297,1.78006 L -33.9004,1.53857 L -33.5566,1.31822 L -33.1997,1.1199
L -32.831,0.944382 L -32.452,0.792358 L -32.0642,0.664429 L -31.6691,0.561111 L -31.2684,0.482788 L -30.8635,0.429794
L -30.4561,0.402328 L -30.0477,0.400497 L -29.6401,0.424301 L -29.2348,0.473663 L -28.8333,0.548386 L -28.4373,0.648163
L -28.0484,0.772598 L -27.6681,0.921204 L -27.2978,1.09341 L -26.9391,1.28853 L -26.5934,1.50577 L -26.2619,1.74431
L -25.9462,2.00317 L -25.6472,2.28137 L -25.3664,2.57777 L -25.1047,2.89124 L -24.8632,3.2205 L -24.6428,3.5643
L -24.4445,3.92123 L -24.269,4.28993 L -24.117,4.66891 L -23.989,5.0567 L -23.8857,5.45175 L -23.8074,5.85251
L -23.7544,6.2574 L -23.7269,6.66481 L -23.7251,7.07315 L -23.7489,7.4808 L -23.7983,7.88614 L -23.873,8.28758
L -23.9728,8.68355 L -24.0972,9.07246 L -24.2458,9.4528 L -24.418,9.82306 L -24.6131,10.1818 L -24.8304,10.5275
L -25.0689,10.8589 L -25.3278,11.1747 L -25.606,11.4737 L -25.9024,11.7545 L -26.2159,12.0162 L -26.5451,12.2577
L -26.8889,12.4781 L -27.2458,12.6764 L -27.6145,12.8519 L -27.9935,13.0039 L -28.3813,13.1319 L -28.7764,13.2352
L -29.1771,13.3135 L -29.582,13.3665 L -29.9894,13.394 L -30.3978,13.3958 z
M -24.7613,25.807 L -25.1671,25.7613 L -25.5692,25.6902 L -25.966,25.5939 L -26.356,25.473 L -26.7377,25.3278
L -27.1095,25.1589 L -27.4699,24.967 L -27.8176,24.7529 L -28.1512,24.5173 L -28.4693,24.2613 L -28.7707,23.9858
L -29.0542,23.692 L -29.3187,23.3809 L -29.5631,23.0538 L -29.7865,22.712 L -29.9881,22.3568 L -30.1669,21.9897
L -30.3223,21.6121 L -30.4537,21.2255 L -30.5606,20.8314 L -30.6425,20.4314 L -30.6991,20.0269 L -30.7302,19.6198
L -30.7357,19.2115 L -30.7156,18.8036 L -30.6698,18.3979 L -30.5987,17.9958 L -30.5025,17.5989 L -30.3816,17.2089
L -30.2364,16.8273 L -30.0675,16.4555 L -29.8756,16.095 L -29.6615,15.7473 L -29.4259,15.4138 L -29.1699,15.0957
L -28.8944,14.7943 L -28.6006,14.5108 L -28.2895,14.2463 L -27.9624,14.0018 L -27.6206,13.7784 L -27.2654,13.5769
L -26.8983,13.3981 L -26.5207,13.2426 L -26.1341,13.1113 L -25.74,13.0044 L -25.3399,12.9225 L -24.9355,12.8658
L -24.5284,12.8347 L -24.1201,12.8292 L -23.7122,12.8494 L -23.3065,12.8951 L -22.9044,12.9662 L -22.5075,13.0624
L -22.1175,13.1834 L -21.7359,13.3286 L -21.3641,13.4974 L -21.0036,13.6893 L -20.6559,13.9035 L -20.3224,14.139
L -20.0043,14.395 L -19.7029,14.6705 L -19.4194,14.9644 L -19.1549,15.2755 L -18.9104,15.6026 L -18.687,15.9444
L -18.4855,16.2995 L -18.3067,16.6666 L -18.1512,17.0442 L -18.0198,17.4309 L -17.913,17.825 L -17.8311,18.225
L -17.7744,18.6294 L -17.7433,19.0366 L -17.7378,19.4449 L -17.758,19.8527 L -17.8037,20.2585 L -17.8748,20.6606
L -17.971,21.0574 L -18.0919,21.4474 L -18.2372,21.8291 L -18.406,22.2009 L -18.5979,22.5613 L -18.812,22.909
L -19.0476,23.2426 L -19.3036,23.5607 L -19.5791,23.8621 L -19.873,24.1456 L -20.1841,24.4101 L -20.5112,24.6545
L -20.853,24.8779 L -21.2081,25.0795 L -21.5752,25.2583 L -21.9528,25.4137 L -22.3394,25.5451 L -22.7336,25.652
L -23.1336,25.7339 L -23.538,25.7905 L -23.9451,25.8216 L -24.3535,25.8271 z
M 13.1005,34.4206 L 12.6936,34.3858 L 12.2898,34.3256 L 11.8905,34.2401 L 11.4973,34.1297 L 11.1119,33.9948
L 10.7357,33.836 L 10.3702,33.6539 L 10.0169,33.4492 L 9.67714,33.2227 L 9.35225,32.9754 L 9.04355,32.7081
L 8.75223,32.4219 L 8.47945,32.1181 L 8.22629,31.7977 L 7.99374,31.462 L 7.78273,31.1124 L 7.59409,30.7503
L 7.42856,30.377 L 7.2868,29.994 L 7.16936,29.603 L 7.07671,29.2053 L 7.00922,28.8025 L 6.96713,28.3964
L 6.95065,27.9884 L 6.95981,27.5801 L 6.99458,27.1733 L 7.05484,26.7694 L 7.14034,26.3701 L 7.25075,25.977
L 7.3856,25.5916 L 7.5444,25.2154 L 7.72652,24.8499 L 7.93121,24.4966 L 8.1577,24.1568 L 8.40506,23.8319
L 8.67235,23.5232 L 8.95848,23.2319 L 9.26234,22.9591 L 9.58273,22.7059 L 9.9184,22.4734 L 10.268,22.2624
L 10.6301,22.0737 L 11.0034,21.9082 L 11.3864,21.7664 L 11.7775,21.649 L 12.1752,21.5564 L 12.5779,21.4889
L 12.984,21.4468 L 13.392,21.4303 L 13.8003,21.4395 L 14.2071,21.4742 L 14.611,21.5345 L 15.0103,21.62
L 15.4034,21.7304 L 15.7888,21.8652 L 16.1651,22.024 L 16.5305,22.2062 L 16.8839,22.4109 L 17.2236,22.6373
L 17.5485,22.8847 L 17.8572,23.152 L 18.1486,23.4381 L 18.4213,23.742 L 18.6745,24.0624 L 18.907,24.398
L 19.118,24.7476 L 19.3067,25.1098 L 19.4722,25.4831 L 19.614,25.866 L 19.7314,26.2571 L 19.8241,26.6548
L 19.8916,27.0575 L 19.9336,27.4637 L 19.9501,27.8717 L 19.941,28.2799 L 19.9062,28.6868 L 19.8459,29.0907
L 19.7604,29.4899 L 19.65,29.8831 L 19.5152,30.2685 L 19.3564,30.6447 L 19.1743,31.0102 L 18.9696,31.3635
L 18.7431,31.7033 L 18.4957,32.0282 L 18.2284,32.3369 L 17.9423,32.6282 L 17.6384,32.901 L 17.318,33.1541
L 16.9824,33.3867 L 16.6328,33.5977 L 16.2706,33.7863 L 15.8974,33.9519 L 15.5144,34.0936 L 15.1233,34.2111
L 14.7256,34.3037 L 14.3229,34.3712 L 13.9167,34.4133 L 13.5087,34.4298 z
M -13.9167,34.4133 L -14.3229,34.3712 L -14.7256,34.3037 L -15.1233,34.2111 L -15.5144,34.0936 L -15.8974,33.9519
L -16.2706,33.7863 L -16.6328,33.5977 L -16.9824,33.3867 L -17.318,33.1541 L -17.6384,32.901 L -17.9423,32.6282
L -18.2284,32.3369 L -18.4957,32.0282 L -18.7431,31.7033 L -18.9696,31.3635 L -19.1743,31.0102 L -19.3564,30.6447
L -19.5152,30.2685 L -19.65,29.8831 L -19.7604,29.4899 L -19.8459,29.0907 L -19.9062,28.6868 L -19.941,28.2799
L -19.9501,27.8717 L -19.9336,27.4637 L -19.8916,27.0575 L -19.8241,26.6548 L -19.7314,26.2571 L -19.614,25.866
L -19.4722,25.4831 L -19.3067,25.1098 L -19.118,24.7476 L -18.907,24.398 L -18.6745,24.0624 L -18.4213,23.742
L -18.1486,23.4381 L -17.8572,23.152 L -17.5485,22.8847 L -17.2236,22.6373 L -16.8839,22.4109 L -16.5305,22.2062
L -16.1651,22.024 L -15.7888,21.8652 L -15.4034,21.7304 L -15.0103,21.62 L -14.611,21.5345 L -14.2071,21.4742
L -13.8003,21.4395 L -13.392,21.4303 L -12.984,21.4468 L -12.5779,21.4889 L -12.1752,21.5564 L -11.7775,21.649
L -11.3864,21.7664 L -11.0034,21.9082 L -10.6301,22.0737 L -10.268,22.2624 L -9.9184,22.4734 L -9.58273,22.7059
L -9.26234,22.9591 L -8.95848,23.2319 L -8.67235,23.5232 L -8.40506,23.8319 L -8.1577,24.1568 L -7.93121,24.4966
L -7.72652,24.8499 L -7.5444,25.2154 L -7.3856,25.5916 L -7.25075,25.977 L -7.14034,26.3701 L -7.05484,26.7694
L -6.99458,27.1733 L -6.95981,27.5801 L -6.95065,27.9884 L -6.96713,28.3964 L -7.00922,28.8025 L -7.07671,29.2053
L -7.16936,29.603 L -7.2868,29.994 L -7.42856,30.377 L -7.59409,30.7503 L -7.78273,31.1124 L -7.99374,31.462
L -8.22629,31.7977 L -8.47945,32.1181 L -8.75223,32.4219 L -9.04355,32.7081 L -9.35225,32.9754 L -9.67714,33.2227
L -10.0169,33.4492 L -10.3702,33.6539 L -10.7357,33.836 L -11.1119,33.9948 L -11.4973,34.1297 L -11.8905,34.2401
L -12.2898,34.3256 L -12.6936,34.3858 L -13.1005,34.4206 L -13.5087,34.4298 z
M -0.408127,37.4872 L -0.814651,37.4487 L -1.21797,37.3849 L -1.61647,37.2958 L -2.00861,37.1819 L -2.39281,37.0435
L -2.76756,36.8814 L -3.13139,36.696 L -3.48286,36.4881 L -3.8206,36.2586 L -4.14325,36.0083 L -4.44955,35.7383
L -4.73828,35.4496 L -5.00833,35.1432 L -5.25861,34.8206 L -5.48813,34.4829 L -5.69598,34.1314 L -5.88136,33.7676
L -6.04353,33.3928 L -6.18185,33.0086 L -6.29578,32.6165 L -6.38486,32.218 L -6.44873,31.8147 L -6.48717,31.4081
L -6.5,31 L -6.48717,30.5919 L -6.44873,30.1853 L -6.38486,29.782 L -6.29578,29.3835 L -6.18185,28.9914
L -6.04353,28.6072 L -5.88136,28.2324 L -5.69598,27.8686 L -5.48813,27.5171 L -5.25861,27.1794 L -5.00833,26.8567
L -4.73828,26.5504 L -4.44955,26.2617 L -4.14325,25.9917 L -3.8206,25.7414 L -3.48286,25.5119 L -3.13139,25.304
L -2.76756,25.1186 L -2.39281,24.9565 L -2.00861,24.8181 L -1.61647,24.7042 L -1.21797,24.6151 L -0.814651,24.5513
L -0.408127,24.5128 L 0,24.5 L 0.408127,24.5128 L 0.814651,24.5513 L 1.21797,24.6151 L 1.61647,24.7042
L 2.00861,24.8181 L 2.39281,24.9565 L 2.76756,25.1186 L 3.13139,25.304 L 3.48286,25.5119 L 3.8206,25.7414
L 4.14325,25.9917 L 4.44955,26.2617 L 4.73828,26.5504 L 5.00833,26.8567 L 5.25861,27.1794 L 5.48813,27.5171
L 5.69598,27.8686 L 5.88136,28.2324 L 6.04353,28.6072 L 6.18185,28.9914 L 6.29578,29.3835 L 6.38486,29.782
L 6.44873,30.1853 L 6.48717,30.5919 L 6.5,31 L 6.48717,31.4081 L 6.44873,31.8147 L 6.38486,32.218
L 6.29578,32.6165 L 6.18185,33.0086 L 6.04353,33.3928 L 5.88136,33.7676 L 5.69598,34.1314 L 5.48813,34.4829
L 5.25861,34.8206 L 5.00833,35.1432 L 4.73828,35.4496 L 4.44955,35.7383 L 4.14325,36.0083 L 3.8206,36.2586
L 3.48286,36.4881 L 3.13139,36.696 L 2.76756,36.8814 L 2.39281,37.0435 L 2.00861,37.1819 L 1.61647,37.2958
L 1.21797,37.3849 L 0.814651,37.4487 L 0.408127,37.4872 L 0,37.5 z
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