This firmware is intended to run on a NodeMCU with a relatively recent version of Arduino and its according [ESP8266 core]( with BearSSL support (introduced in 2.4.2). It can be used against any server implementing the ESPhttpUpdate-"protocol" from the [Arduino ESP8266 project]( This template is developed against the [esp-ota-update-server]( written in python which sits behind an nginx webserver for encryption with TLS1.2. It also uses [tzapu’s WiFiManager]( to avoid exposing wifi access data in public hosted firmware binaries. The CA certificate store needs to be fetched and generated at the inital setup. You can either use [ESP8266 cores script]( to fetch the whole mozilla database (not tested) or create your own store which only trusts certain CAs. For my use, I rely on certificates issues by []( To extract their CA you can use `openssl` against your domain which will host the firmware later on. I use `` here as example since it works too: ``` openssl s_client -showcerts -servername -connect data/config_password.txt ```